Approving Purchase Orders in TM Master v2 when using Approval Rules
When a purchaser requests approval for a purchase order that you are an eligible approver for, you will either receive an email or an internal TM Master v2 message informing you of the request. The email and message contains general information pertinent to the identification and evaluation of the order.
Once you're ready to perform your approval you log on to TM Master v2 and navigate to [My Place -> Overview], where you will find a section listing the number of orders involving your approval.
The numbers to the right of each description indicates the number of orders awaiting each type of approval. The types are as follows:
- Orders Awaiting My Approval - Orders that are ready for you to approve on your level
- Orders Queued For My Approval - Orders that you are an approver for, but that have not yet been approved up to your level
- Order Changes Awaiting My Approval - Order Change Requests that are ready for you to approve on your level
- Orders Ready To Be Sent - Orders that have been successfully approved and are ready to be sent to the supplier
- Last 100 Orders I Have Approved - The up to 100 last orders where you were involved in the approval process
- Last 100 orders where I was skipped or bypassed - The up to 100 last orders where you were a registered approver, but you were skipped or bypassed
Clicking a description opens up a list of the relevant orders at the bottom of the screen
Double clicking an order opens it up and allows you to click the "Approve" button to start the approval process
This takes you to the "Approve Order" dialog, which lists pertinent order information like the order sum, which user requested the approval, and account and budget details.
If you are the highest level approver required for the order then you will be able to perform the "Final Approval", after which the order will be fully approved and ready to send to supplier:
And if you're not the highest level required you will be able to approve on your level. A request for approval notification email and/or message will automatically be sent to the next level approver as soon as you have approved your level:
At any time you may check the approval history by going to the "Approval History" tab, where every step of the approval process is thoroughly logged.
Approving Change Requests in TM Master v2
Similarly to Order Approval Requests, you will receive a notification by email and/or message when a user requests approval for a change that you are eligible for. To perform the approval, navigate to [My Place -> Overview] and click the "Order Changes Awaiting My Approval" description, which opens up a section listing all change requests awaiting your approval.
Double clicking one of the change requests opens up the "Change request" dialog. In this dialog any changes requiring your approval will be highlighted in red. You have the option to approve or reject the changes using the buttons on the bottom of the dialog, and enter comments in the relevant fields.
If you choose to reject the approval then you will be asked to state a reason for the rejection, which is sent back to the user who requested the change approval.