How To
- Approve order function.
- Cost Activities
- How does the “Approved Supplier” (QA status) functions work?
- How does the Approve direct purchases onshore work?
- How does the rule-based approval matrix work?
- How To - Set Failure Report Running Number
- How To - Add SQL Server to Windows Firewall Exception
- How To - Access the report template editor
- How To - Accounts and Budget (v. 2.662 and later)
- How To - Active a unit for use with the Incidents Module
- How To - Add same document on multiple components
- How To - Approve Purchase Orders and Change Requests when using Approval Rules and Change Approval
- How To - Assign user rights
- How To - Automatically resize images
- How To - Backup TMv2
- How To - Cancel Job History (Job Signed Out In Error)
- How To - Cancel job history (Video Link)
- How To - Catalogs
- How To - Change a Unit Code in TM Master V2
- How To - Check for File Not Found Error. Document Handling.
- How To - Circulating Components
- How To - Company tags
- How To - Connect the TM Master v2 Client Application
- How To - Connect the TM Master v2 client to more than one database
- How To - Contract Management
- How To - Copy Components, Component Jobs and Spare Parts
- How To - Create a new unit
- How To - Create a New User TM Master v2
- How To - Create and use batch jobs in TM
- How To - Create Credit Note
How To - Docking for 2.657 and below
“How to” for TM Docking.
Table of Contents
How to create a dry dock project?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking+ (If done in the office, make sure correct “unit” is selected in top menu.
- Click [New] to the far left in the top menu. The following view will appear.
- Select the “estimated” start date. (This can be changed later on in the project)
- Select if you want to:
- Create a new empty docking project.
- Use the Docking template (if you have one)
- Use a copy of a previous docking project as a start point for this docking project.
(You can choose to include or exclude all “price details” and or “job descriptions”)
- Click [OK]
- A dry dock project is created with the name “Docking XXXX” (Where the X’s represent the year you set as estimated start date) 7. Click the “General” tab to alter any of the project details.
- Name
- Description: The information added here will be included on the front page of the “Dry dock” project description. By clicking the add [<] button to the right of this field will retrieve vessel details, added for the vessel. (in [Unit] à[Details]) - Start date, can be changed.
- “Price” and “days” will be calculated, when required data is available
- Docking Category
- Project number
- Selected yard: Shows which yard that has been assigned this project (If any).
How to add a dry dock specification group?
The docking project consists of docking specification and job items.
These items are (and must be) organized in groups. To create a specification group, do the following:
- Click [Docking] à [Docking] and select the dry dock project you wish to add the group to.
- Click the [Add Docking specification item]
, found in the docking item list’s menu bar.
Selecting an item in the item tree structure will show you the details for the item in the details window.
The item or group name in the tree structure will appear once the item has been saved.
- Add specification group details
- Code/number for the item (The item list will be sorted alphabetically by this code/number) - Name for the Specification item group.
- Description for the group.
- Yard comment: If the yard you finally chose to go with has any comments to this item, it can be added to this field.
- Component: Select a component, if the item specification group refers to a specific component or component group.
- Price: This will be calculated, based upon the costs added to the group and its items.
- Account: You can select an account expenses for this item group.
- Last changed: Here you will find the last changed date and who made the change.
(All changes can be found in the “history” log for the item group.)
- Tick the "Needs Items" box to signify that the job requires orders to be placed for items or services before the job can be carried out. You will be able to sort items later, based upon this selection in the module [Docking Overview]
- Depending on who will be responsible for this specific item group, you can assign this by selecting a “Performed by*” value.
*The source for the list of “performed by” is a code table found under *Administration+ à [Codes]
How to add a dry dock specification item?
Once you have created a “docking specification item group” as described in the “how to..” above, you can create a specification item or detail.
- Click [Docking]à[Docking], and select the specification group, you wish to add the item to.
- Click the [Add docking specification item]
button, in the docking item list’s menu bar.
- Edit the details for the item, in the details view (“General tab”)
- The details are exactly the same as for a specification group described in the “how to..” above.
How to add a dry dock job group?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking] and select the dry dock project you wish to add the group to, using the docking project selector in the top menu.
- Click the [Add new docking job group]
button, in the menu bar for the docking item list.
- The form for the “job group” is identical to the specification group and item, described in the “How to add a specification group?”
How to add a dry dock job item?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking] and select the dry dock project and job group, you wish to add the job item to.
- Click the [Add docking job item]
button, in the menu bar for the docking items.
- The job item form has all of the data fields as the specification group, items and the job group has, but it also have some additional ones. Please refer to the description of the common fields in the “How to create a specification group?” chapter. The additional fields for a job item are:
- Component details: Jobs are often performed on specific components, and a natural part of the job description is component information. You can type the component specifics or if the job item has been linked to a component in the “Component” selector, you can retrieve the specifics already added to the component by clicking the [<] button on the right of field.
- To be included*: Allows you to simply tick off equipment and services you want in include in the price inquiry for the job to the yard
- To be surveyed by*: Select who will survey the job.
- Materials*: Who will supply the items required for the job
*The source for the values available in the To be included, To be surveyed by and Materials list, are the code tables
(Dockingtobeincluded, Dockingtobesurveydby and dockingmaterials)
How to postpone jobs in the due list to a dry dock project?
As dry dock project leader or responsible you may wish the crew for the vessel to do an assessment of which job they want to add to your docking project. You can give users onboard full access to the [Docking] module. This will allow the crew to contribute directly to your dry dock project. If you wish to keep a certain control on the jobs added and their descriptions, you might want to allow users to only mark (postpone to project) certain jobs as docking jobs. You can then later review the suggestions and chose which to include. The following is a description on how to achieve this.
First is a description on how the user can mark a due job as a dry dock job.
- Click [Maintenance] à [Due]
- Locate and select the job or jobs you wish to include in the dry docking project. To select two or more jobs click and hold the [CTRL] key, then click the jobs you wish to include.
- Tick the “Postpone to project” check box.
- Select an existing project from the dropdown or create a new one by clicking the [New] button. If you create a new project the following dialog will appear.
- Add a project name, set a due date for the project, and add a description or remark to the project to enable other users to see what this particular project is about, if you have more than one “project” on this vessel. Then click [Close]
- Verify that the project you just created is now selected, in the “Postpone to project” dialog.
- Add a reason for the postponement.
- Click [OK].
The job has now been added to a “Project”, and the crew has done their part. Here is how to move a job from a project to your dry dock project.
How to move a job from a TM Master v2 “Project” to your dry dock project?
- Click [Maintenance] à [Project]
- Select your project in the project list to the left.
- The jobs added to this project are listed on the right. Jobs not signed out in the top and jobs signed out in the lower window.
- Select one or more of the jobs you wish to include in your docking project.
- Right click and select “Add to docking specification”
- Select the dry docking project you wish to add the job to.
- Select the “Docking job group” you wish to add the job to.
- Click [OK].
- The data for the job will now be transferred into the “Docking Job item” form, allowing you to change the job description to fit your docking project if required, and you can set the job items specifics etc.
- Once a job in the “Project” has been added to your “Dry Docking project” it will be marked with a spanner symbol
as shown below. (If you just added the job you might need to click the [Refresh]
button to update the view
How to add a job directly from the due list to a dry dock project?
It is possible to retrieve jobs from the vessels due list and add it directly to a dry docking project. (or at least it feels more “directly”, than the procedure described in “How to postpone jobs in the due list to a dry dock project?” and
“How to move a job from a TM Master v2 “Project” to your dry dock project?”
This is how it is done:
- Click [Docking] à [Docking] and select the docking project you wish to add the jobs to.
- Click the [Add jobs from due list]
button, in the top menu.
- The full [Due] list found under [Maintenance] will appear, allowing you to find and select the due jobs you want to add to your project. How to use the *Due+ list is described in the “Maintenance” part of the user manual.
- When you have done your selection click the [Add selected jobs] button to the lower right.
A due job added to a dry docking project is “postponed” to a “Project”. An overview of existing “Projects” can be found under [Maintenance] à *Projects+. Please see documentation for “Projects” for more information on these types of projects.
- Select an existing project to contain the postponed jobs, or create a new one by clicking [New]
- Select the “dry docking project” you wish to add the job or jobs to 7. Select the “Parent item” or “Job item group” you wish to add the jobs to. 8. Click [Add jobs]
Organize jobs in corresponding SFI-groups
If you chose to organize your docking jobs in “Job item groups” based upon the SFI code, tick the “Organize jobs in corresponding SFI-groups”. All jobs linked to component 601.01 will then be placed in job item group 6 etc. The system will automatically create job item groups for the job items. An example of how this would look like in the docking item list is show to the right.
How to create a predefined dry dock job for a component?
A dry dock job specification can be time consuming to create for each docking project, and often it is the same or almost the same job done each time on some of your components, and it would be useful to predefine docking jobs for certain components, and include them in your dry dock projects. Here is how to add such a job description to a component in TM Master V2.
- Click [Inventory] à [Components]
- Locate and double click the component you wish to create a predefined docking job for.
- Click the “Docking” tab.
- Click the [Add new docking job] button.
- A docking job item view will appear and you can specify your job as you would do in the docking module. You can also predefine the “price details” for the job. Price details are discussed in “How to add a price detail to a dry dock item or group?”
- Save and close.
How to include a predefined dry dock job item to a dry dock project?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you wish to add the predefined job to.
- Click the [Add general services from components]
button found in the top menu.
- Select the predefined jobs you wish to include in your docking project from the list of all existing predefined jobs, by ticking the job, by default all jobs are ticked.
- Clicking on one of the jobs will show the job description for the selected job in the window to the right.
- Select which job groups you want the selected jobs to be included in.
- “Group by SFI Main-groups” will create a group or add it to a group for all jobs attached to a component within the main SFI groups. An example of how this looks can be found in the chapter
“How to add a job directly from the due list to a dry dock project?”
- Create a new job item group
- Add the job to an existing group.
- Click [Add]
How to add files and documents to a dry dock item or group?
You probably will need to include additional information, such as images, drawings, documents and other files to your dry dock items or groups.
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project and item or group you wish to add the file or document to.
- Click the “Attachment” tab
- Click the *Add file+ button found to the left in the “Attachment” menu.
- Select the file you wish to add.
- Enter a description of the file.
- Click [OK]
If you select any of your items, you will find all documents attached to that item, by clicking the “Attachment” tab.
If you select the top level of your dry dock project and click the “Attachment” tab, all attachments either linked to a group or item within that project will be listed.
How to add a price detail to a dry dock item or group?
In TM Docking it is possible to send price inquires to different yards.
But it may vary from item to item what you want the yards to specify prices for.
In some cases a total cost for a job is sufficient, but in others you might want to be more specific.
In order for you to make sure your inquires are as exact as possible and avoiding as many extra costs as possible once the vessel is in dry dock, you can include as many price details you wish for each docking item or group.
The procedure is the same regardless if it is a “specification group”, “specification item”,” job group” or “job item”.
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select your current docking project.
- Select the item or group you wish to add a price detail to. (You can’t add a price detail to the top level of your docking project, this must be done on an item or group)
5. The “item name” is set depending the item or group the price detail is linked to 6. Description: Describe the price detail, “What price are you asking for?”
It can be “Total price for job”, or as in our example “Aluminum anode price pr. Kg”
- Price: Initially you will probably not know the price for the price detail so you would leave this empty.
- Day rate: If the price detail is a daily rate, the total cost is depending on the number of days the dry dock project will last. If you tick the “Day rate”, the system will calculate the total cost, as soon as the length of the project has been established.
- Qty.: If you know the total quantity of how many of the item or service you need you can add it and set a “unit of measure”. If you are interested to know how much 1 unit of something costs, you can ask for the price pr. Kg or liter etc.
- Total: (Price * Qty.) (or days if daily rate)
- Budget price: You can add an estimated price to your price detail, this may help you in creating a budget for the dry dock item.
- Budget qty.: Here you add the estimated quantity required.
- Budget Total : (Budgeted price * Budgeted quantity)
- Click [Save & Close]
How to view the added price details?
To see price details added to an specific specification item or job item:
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select your current docking project
- Select the item or group you wish to view price details for.
- Click the “Price details” tab.
- All price details added to the selected item will be listed, both budget info and (if you got it) actual prices are listed, and at the bottom the total for each column.
If you select a specification or job group and then click the “Price details” tab, the price details added directly to that group and all price details for all items in that group will be listed.
And finally if you click the top level of your docking project, and click the “Price detail” tab, you will see all price details added to all of your specification items and job items, and groups.
How to add a cost to a dry dock item or group?
During a dry docking project lifespan you will encounter all sorts of expenses. Keeping track of them can be a challenge. TM Docking tries to help you keep track of your expenses or “costs”. You can add a cost to any item or group at any time during your dry dock project.
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project with the item or group you wish to add a cost to.
- Click the “Cost” tab
- Click the “Add new cost”
button found to the left in the “Cost” menu.
- Item name is set based upon the item or group the “cost” is added to.
- Date added: Is set to today’s date.
- Description: Enter a description of the cost.
- Price: Enter the cost
- Comment: You can add additional comments to the cost
- Added by: Will be set to the full name registered on the TM Master v2 user adding the cost.
- Cost type: Allows you to categorize your costs, for later review.
*The source for the cost type selector is a code table called “DockingCostType”. How to add new values to the code tables please refer to “How to add codes?”
- Click [Save & Close]
- If you select any of your items, you will find all costs added to that item, on the “Cost” tab.
- If you select a specification or job group, all costs added directly to that group, and all of the costs added to any of the group’s items will be listed.
- Finally if you select the top level of your dry dock project and click the “Cost” tab, all costs either added to a group or item within that project will be listed.
How to lock a docking item?
If several people are involved in the creation of the dry docking specifications, you might want to lock an item, allowing no more changes for the item, and to mark the specification as complete. This can be done by “locking” the item. Here is how it is done.
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project with the item or group you to lock.
- Select the item you wish to lock.
- Click [Lock this docking item]
button, found in the menu for the item.
- For items that have been locked, the button changes to
, clicking it again will unlock the item.
Note: You can lock the entire project by clicking the “Lock the docking specifications” button found in the top menu.
Only users members of a user group with the “CanLock” user right are allowed to lock and unlock docking items. You can lock/unlock an item at any time. This action is logged in the change history for the item.
How to create a price inquiry for a dry dock project?
1. Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to send a price inquiry for. 2. Click the top level of the dry docking item list
- Click the “Inquiry” tab.
Selecting the yards to send price inquiry to
- Click the [Add company]
button to the far left in the “Inquiry” menu bar.
- Select the yards you wish to include in your price inquiry.
(Press and hold [CTRL] to select more than one at a time)
Create a price inquiry
- Select the yard you wish to create the price inquiry for.
- Click the “Create a zip-file with docking specifications and all attached files”
- You can select if you want to include all job and specification items and groups (Show all), or you can tick the “Select items to include” to select some of the items. 9. Click [OK]
- TM Master checks all job items before the export for any jobs missing price details.
Jobs missing price details will not be included in the “Price inquiry” excel sheet (discussed later).
And it offers to add a price detail to any jobs currently missing.
- If you click [Yes+, TM Master V2 will create a price detail called “Total price” for the job.
- If you click *No+, TM Master v2 will not create “Total price” details for your job items - If you click [Cancel], you are returned to the program doing nothing
NB! Keep in mind that if you have added one or more price details for the job item, but none of them ask for the “Total price” for the job, TM Master v2 will not be able to detect this. The system will assume that if you have created a price detail for the job item that you have added the ones you require.
- TM Master v2 will by default name the zip file in the following manner :
<Yard name>_<Docking project name>_<Todays date(YYYYMMDD)>.zip
What is in the price inquiry zip file?
The .zip file contains the following files.
- The “Spec Sheets” report file (.pdf)
- The “Job Sheets” report file (.pdf)
- The “Price inquiry” Excel sheet
- And any attached documents. The documents will be placed within folders with the same name as the job they belong to.
12. This file can be sent to the as an attachment to your price inquiry to the yard.
Create a file for each individual yard. The files within the zip file for each yard are identical except for the Excel sheet which is yard specific. It is possible to create only the Excel sheet for each yard by clicking the
[Create inquiry] button.
Note: The Report files can be manually produced at any time during the docking project by clicking the [Reports] button in the top menu, while in the docking module.
How to update price details with quoted prices?
There are two ways of adding the quoted prices to your docking project. You can enter them manually, or if the yard has filled out the Inquiry excel sheet, import them.
How to add quotations manually to your docking project?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to add quotations for.
- Click the top level of your docking project
- Click the “Inquiry” tab
- Double click the yard you wish to update prices for.
- Click the “Price details” tab
- Click beneath the “Price” column and enter the quote.
- The column “Remarks” can also be updated.
How to import quotations to your docking project?
1. Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to add quotations for. 2. Click the top level of your docking project
- Click the “Inquiry” tab.
- Click the [Import prices]
- Select the “Inquiry” excel sheet with the quoted prices.
A preview of the quotation to be imported, will appear
- Click [OK] to import the quotations.
Since the price inquiry excel sheets are made to specific to each yard, TM Master V2 is able to identify which yard the quotations are from and add them to the correct yard in TM Master v2.
In the “Inquiry” view with the selected yards you should now be able to see the totals for each yard you have imported quotes for.
How to compare the different yard quotes?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select your current docking project.
- Click the top level of your docking project
- Click the “Inquiry” tab 4.
- A list of all items will appear, and you will find the different yard prices as columns.
The lowest price is marked blue, the highest red. The prices are by default shown in the system currency
- If you tick the “show prices in original currency” it will show the prices in the original currency.
Note: If a yard is not listed with any prices in the system currency, but appear once you click the “Show prices in original currency” , the system is missing an exchange rate for the yard currency. The exchange rate is added in the [Administration] à [Currency] module.
How to select the yard you will be using?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to select the yard for.
- Click the “Inquiry” tab
- Right click the yard, you wish to select as the yard to use.
- Click “Select Yard”
You will be asked if you want to “Update docking prices from quotation”
- If you tick the “update docking prices from quotation”, you will ask to enter the current currency exchange. (Only applies if the system base currency is different from yard currency). The entered currency will be used to calculate the cost for each individual item in the base(system) currency.
How to change “price details” to “costs”?
Price details: When sending a price request, an excel sheet is produced containing all price details, such as "Price pr. m. Steel pipe", "Hour rate for crane operations", "Total price for job" etc.
Costs: Actual expenses. For example if you have already bought materials for a job.
You can add this as a "Cost" for the job. Orders linked to the job will automatically be added as costs once paid.
Once you have selected a yard, based upon the price inquiry, you will be asked if you wish to transfer "Price details" to "Costs" as described in “How to select the yard you will be using?”
How to link an order to a dry dock project?
To help you keep track of any orders you will be placing for your docking project, you can link any new or existing orders to your docking project.
- Click [Purchasing] à [Overview]
- Open the order you want to link to your docking project, by double clicking it.
- Click the “Docking” tab found at the lower right on the “Order head” tab.
- Select the dry dock project you wish to link the order to.
- Select the docking item or group you wish to link it to.
- Add a comment to the link if required.
- Save the order.
How to view orders linked to a docking project?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to view orders for.
- Click the docking item, group or docking project top level, in the item list.
- Click the “Orders” tab.
- If you selected an item, only orders linked to that particular item will show in the list of orders.
- If you selected a group, orders linked directly to that group or any of the items within the group will show in the list of orders.
- If you selected the top level, all orders linked to the selected dry dock project will show.
Please refer to documentation for the purchase order menu for details on the PO view an statuses.
How to add an “event” to a dry dock item or group?
During a dry dock project, you may experience a lot of unforeseen events that will delay your project or cause unforeseen costs. A simple event log can help you keep track of these events during and after your project. Reviewing previous projects may help you plan new projects.
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to add the event to.
- Select the dry docking item or group the event belongs to
- Click the “Events” tab
- Click the [Add docking event] button
- Enter a name and description for the event.
- Tick “Active” if you want the event to be included in the “Job short list”.
(The job short list is discussed in “How to export the “job short list”?”)
How to export the “job short list”?
It might be in some situations useful to export the jobs and events to an excel sheet, as an agenda or “to do” list for meetings etc. This is possible in TM Master V2 and will allow you to add comments and other smaller adjustments to the jobs and events in it, then later reimporting the comments to your project.
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want to produce the short list for.
- Click the [Export job Short list to excel]
button, found in the main menu bar.
- Save the file on a desired location. The file will by default be named. Shortlist_<Project name>_<Todays date (YYYYMMDD).xls
When you open the file in Excel it might look something like this.
- You can set the job done progress with values between 0-100 % and add a comment.
- Any active “Events” added to the job item can also be found in the list, and can be updated in the much the same manner, but the progress will only enable you to either close it (make it inactive) by setting it to 100%. Since an event will only be active on inactive (closed).
- At the bottom of the list you will be able to add new “events”, add the code for the item the event is linked to, then add the event name and a description.
How to import the “job short list”?
- Click [Docking] à [Docking]à Select the docking project you want import the short list for.
- Click the [Import job short list from excel]
button, found in the main menu bar.
- Select the short list you want to import. (Close the file in Excel before import) The following view will appear
- If any items are in the “Done jobs” section of the window, you will need to select the ones you want to
“import” then click the *Job done+,
- If any jobs are not set to 100% done the system will update the “progress status” for the job item, and add the update as an event to your “event” tab for the item, using your comment as a description. - A job marked as a 100% will set the progress for the job to a 100% and open the job details for the job, and you may sign the job out by clicking [Sign out job].
- If you have items in the “Done events” section in the middle, you can by selecting on and clicking the [Event done] button, deactivate the event. Deactivated events do not appear in the next short list.
- If you have items in the “New Events” section, you can add these events to their docking items by selecting an event and clicking the [New event] button. The event is added to the items or groups event list. It is important, that you use the correct job code for any new events added, if not the system will be unable to link the event to the correct job.
How to schedule the docking job items?
- Click [Docking]
- Select the docking project you wish to schedule jobs for.
- Click [Docking time line]
- To the left all job items are listen vertically, and the days/weeks/months are represented horizontally. You can change the scale for the timeline using the [Zoom in] and [Zoom out] buttons found in the top menu, or using the selector next to them.
- The yellow vertical line represents today.
- If you have set a start date for any of your job items, they will appear in the timeline view, and if you have also set a value in duration for it the job items will be represented as a line stretching along the time line. These settings are found at the bottom on each job item.
Note: The actual start date for a dry dock project may change several times during the planning of the project. By setting a job item’s start date as “Relative to dock date”, the job item’s start date will be updated, automatically when the entire project date is changed.
- You can edit the start date and the duration in this time line view, by clicking the “Edit in grid”
- Click and hold on the center of a job line and drag the job item to a new date.
- If you click and hold at either the front or end of the line, you can adjust the duration for the job.
- Double clicking a job line, will open the job item, and you can edit its details.
- The colour on the job lines represents the job items status.
- Blue -Planned
- Red - Overdue (or not started( no progress % for the job item has been set)
- Purple - In progress (a % progress has been set for the item)
- Green - Signed out.
Tip: If you have made changes to a job item, but this is not reflected in the time view, click the [Refresh] button to update the view.
How to use the [Docking overview] module?
The [Docking Overview] lists all specification and job items in a grid more similar to the way other data is represented in TM Master v2. This more flexible view allows you to:
Group and filter items on any of the item’s values.
.i.e.: Group by the column “Has orders”, and then group by the column “All orders complete”. You can now easily identify any items with orders that has not yet been received.
Compare and check job and specification items.
.i.e. You can easily identify any job items that are not connected to a component, or that you have specified an account for all job items etc.
Check for items marked “Need items” but has no order linked to them
Filter : “Need items”, and group “Has orders”
Check for jobs due dates .
Filter or Group on Start date
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